Scientific publications: Bulgaria



We live in times where leaders realize that what used to bring good results to shareholders, customers, people and society in the age of knowledge, is not sustainable in the environment in which organisations exist today.
Organisations “live” in a “constant flow of change,” and mobilizing human energy towards achieving the corporate vision and implementing the goals and values of the company turns into a very challenging mission. In such a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world (VUCA world) in which organisations operate, leaders realise that a substantial transformation is a must. This transformation is not external. Changes in strategy or process optimization, for example, will not make a significant difference. A deeper transformation is needed. This profound transformation is a process that takes time and starts from within because only the inside
out approach can be sustainable. And this insideout transformation must start with the leaders in the highest positions. They are the visionaries, the driving force and the role models. They inspire others and are responsible for creating a harmonious environment where people unfold their potential and thrive. The leadership intrapersonal transformation is the key to sustainable organisational thriving. This deep transformation involves a paradigm shift which leads to a shift of consciousness. Overcoming limited thinking patterns as well as leaders’ wholehearted commitment to the process of transformation is the essence of intrapersonal transformation. Combined with the individual transformation of leaders, the interpersonal transformation within their teams is what will help organisations’ sustainable thriving.

The main practical question is: “How does this intrapersonal transformation happen?” Executive leadership coaching accelerates leadership, team, and organisational thriving. We, the executive coaches, have initiated a dialogue with them. The message may be wellreceived on the surface but the true and deep inner work has not yet begun. By “floating on the surface” in their personal development, the leader is in internal comfort. Why? Profound inner work requires the display of courage and honesty towards oneself. This internal transformation demands the bravery to step into the unknown. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says: “The unknown is the only place where you can createyou cannot create anything new from the known”.

The so far provided information categorically substantiates the relevance and dissertability of the selected issue, concerning the intrapersonal and interpersonal transformation of leaders and leadership teams for sustainable organisational thriving.


Abstract: In this article, the author connects the dots between teams, and the broader necessity to serve and positively impact the environment within which organisations operate. Team coaching, as one of the newest and least researched team development modalities, is defined. What team coaching is NOT, and the conditions for real team coaching to take place, are unraveled, in order that it can serve a team to truly thrive. The differences between teams and groups are explored, as it is essential to the topic. The role of a team coach is distinguished and put into context, of serving a team to transform to become who they aspire to become. In this way, they can fulfil their core purpose and vision in a coherent and values aligned way. The author’s CORE model© for interpersonal team transformation is presented, which can serve as a framework to guide conversations so that they become a real team. A centre point of becoming a real team is collaboration. Real teams and thriving organisations positively impact the world in becoming a place more deserving to inhabit.

Keywords: team coaching; teams; collaboration; impact; IDGs; CORE Model™ 

JEL codes: M12; M53
Received 10 September 2023

Revised 18 October 2023

Accepted 20 November2023



Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to share a comprehensive case study where intra and interpersonal transformation of an executive leader and his leadership transformational team in a UK company is presented. The case demonstrates the holistic work done within a business organisation to help it transform into a thriving organisation on the basis of the executive leader’s and team’s transformation, where an approach based on coaching is used to accelerate this transformation.

The presented case is part of a broader research relating to thriving lead- ership – concept, factors, and coaching for leadership and team transfor- mation. The author’s main hypothesis is that sustainable organisational thriving is achieved through leaders’ wholehearted commitment to intrap- ersonal transformation and leadership teams’ wholehearted commitment to interpersonal transformation. This process can be accelerated by using a coaching approach. The author’s first working hypothesis is that leaders thrive and sustain this state (are at their best) when they are wholehearted- ly committed to their intrapersonal transformation, when they are driven by a meaningful purpose, and when they primarily use their natural way of thinking („brain dominance”). The author’s second working hypothe- sis is that coaching accelerates intra and interpersonal transformation to thriving. The third working hypothesis is that when leaders are thriving and they lead their teams to interpersonal transformation to thriving, this naturally leads to organisational thriving.

For the purpose of her holistic research the author uses a mixed investiga- tive paradigm, combining qualitative and quantitative methods.

The author’s CORE Model© for interpersonal transformation is presented.



Abstract. The article examines the conditions for leadership and team thriving. The goal is to detail and extend a theory of ‘thriving leadership’ based on an analysis of Bulgarian and international research in this field. Leadership theories are analyzed in support of thriving leadership, examining in detail its layers – individual (coaching, communication, leadership, emotions and change), team (leadership as a dynamic phenomenon of group dynamics, global cross-cultural and virtual teams, and the question of meaning and purpose) and organizational (The “Bulgarian dream” and B-Corporations movement). The author’s thrive matrix is presented, explaining the internal conditions for personal leadership thriving.

Keywords: leadership; thriving leadership; leader; intrapersonal transformation; team; organization; sustainability; purpose

JEL codes: M12; M53

How to cite this article:

Hinova-McNamee, E. (2022). Preuspyavashtoto liderstvo – realnost ili utopiya? (Thriving leadership – reality or utopia?). Economic Thought Journal, 67(4), 473(in Bulgarian).