‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’

‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ the wise Lao Tzu once said. Seven years ago mypassion, and my curiosity about effortless high performance opened a new door for me. Not that I ever expectedmy professional journey to unfold in a way that...

Transformational Leadership

I am very excited and honoured to invite leaders and, importantly, those with the potential to be leaders, tojoin our upcoming LeadershipAcademy at New Bulgarian University starting 16 October 2023. The Leadership Academy has been co-created with Irina...

Is ‘messy’ the normal way to evolve and thrive as a team?

I’ve had lots of conversations in the last few months with leaders, who were interested in team coaching… I could see the curiosity in their eyes. At the same time, I could detect a subtle energy of uncertainty and a sense of puzzlement around ‘the how’. ‘The how’, as...

A Conversation on Maturity

You may be curious to know why I want to start a conversation on maturity? What is the context of this conversation? This is a relational conversation in the context of human transformation and is focused on how we can change through dialogue and self-reflection in a...